
The following options can be set either in a configuration file (by default finch.yml) or as command line flags, with the latter taking precedence. The configuration file should be YAML, for example:

root: docs_src
output: docs
pretty_urls: true

Command line flags containing "-" instead have "_" as configuration keys.


  • content: path specifies the path to the content directory (default ./content)
  • data: path specifies the path to the data directory (default ./data)
  • layouts: path specifies the path to the data directory (default ./layouts)
  • list_content: bool if set, names of processed content files will be printed
  • no_delete: bool if set, the output directory won't be deleted before building
  • output: path specifies the path of the output directory (default ./site)
  • pretty_urls: bool if set, some/path/index.html will be generated instead of some/path.html
  • root: path specifies the root for content, layouts, data and static (default .)
  • static: path specifies the path to the static directory (default ./static)

Additionally config and j (jobs) may be set as command line flags only.